Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Do You Have a Bright Idea???
The Student Business Plan Challenge is offering opportunities to local entrepreneurs to win Cash Prizes for their business plans! A total of $1,000 will be awarded to four participants in two award categories - College and High School.
If you are a San Joaquin County college or high school student and/or you live in San Joaquin County and are 25 or under, you are eligible to
Here's how it works!
- Register for the free April 28th workshop (required)
- Register at
- At end of workshop, sign up for the Challenge
- Read ongoing Challenge Blogs
- Develop Your Business Plan using Challenge criteria
- Contact the SBDC for free assistance (954-5089)
- Submit completed plan by midnight, June 14th
- Submit plan electronically to
- Finalists notified by email, June 18th
- Finalists' interviews/presentations June 24th, 3-5 p.m.
- Interviews/presentations held at the SBDC located at 56. S. Lincoln Street, Stockton (WorkNet building)
- Winners announced, June 24th, 5 p.m.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Blu Note Entertainment
My favorite thing about being an entrepreneur is holding important business calls from home in a robe and slippers. Now as video conferencing continues to become the norm this luxury of mine will soon be extinct. But for now I can carry on enjoying my alias as a mad scientist fervently working in his laboratory, oblivious to social customs like combing my hair and putting on decent clothes.
But for every perk to being an entrepreneur there is a counter. And for those entrepreneurs who run a one-man show there can be many. Yes, we are the creative engine that steers the company, but … we’re also the accountant, office secretary, marketer, operations manager, customer service rep, sales rep, public relations liaison and legal counsel. Safe to say, with all of these responsibilities Wikipedia quickly becomes a viable reference!
Furthermore, it can be a lonely path. Successes and failures, for the most part, are achieved alone. When a major account is booked there’s no colleague to exchange a high-five. Setbacks are endured by looking at the inspirational poster on the wall of a guy climbing a mountain that reads “Greater the challenge, greater the triumph.” Why does that guy have to climb the rock anyways? He must have job security!
But in the end the taste of entrepreneurial success is an overwhelming rush. We take an idea and create a functional operation that provides opportunities for others. Every dollar I spend ends up in the hands of another entrepreneur and around it goes. As the old adage states, “If you’re not an entrepreneur then you work for one.”
As an entrepreneur I’m constantly learning and in a growth cycle. The hard and fast lesson I face daily is I do not have all the answers, if any. But I do know the answers are out there and it’s my job to find and contextualize them. There’s comfort in constantly discovering my limitations, because then I know how to overachieve.